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Don't have enough Exhibitor Badges for your helpers or staff at your booth? Order extra Exhibitor Badges here. 


BONUS: Exhibitor Badges are valid Friday, Saturday and Sunday for all events including Preview Night and the After Party - because we love our exhibitors! 


Wondering how many Exhibitor Badges you currently have based on the booth space(s) you purchased? See our helpful guide below for the standards for each space.


  • Zone A Booth Space: 2 Exhibitor Badges 
  • Zone B Booth Space: 2 Exhibitor Badges (valid Saturday only)

  • Zone A Premium End Cap: 3 Exhibitor Badges 

  • Zone A Big Boss Booth: 4 Exhibitor Badges

  • Tabletop Games: 2 Exhibitor Badges

  • Indie Dev Standard: 2 Exhibitor Badges 

  • Indie Dev Pro: 4 Exhibitor Badges


If you bought multiple booth spaces you will receive that quantity times the number of badges. 


For example:

  • Example 1: Purchased two (2) Zone A Booth Spaces = 4  Exhibitor Badges
  • Example 2: Purchased four (4) Zone A Booth Spaces = 8 Exhibitor Badges


Exhibitor Badges will not be mailed out in advance. They will be picked up at check-in at exhibitor registration in your exhibitor packet. 

Extra Exhibitor Badges

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